ABOUT zeodorizer:
Zeodorizer is a family owned, all-American based company out of Southern California, providing environmentally friendly, ethically and sustainably sourced zeolite pumice. We strive for the full satisfaction of each of our customers by offering the best product and service in the industry. The company consists of two pumice mines which are located in Olancha, CA. We are constantly growing and are eager to serve both new and existing customers to the best of our ability.
How zeodorizer started:
We were approached by a company that had been installing artificial grass for more than 10 years and were looking for a local mine that could produce an infill with little to no dust. Since we own the only two zeolite pumice mines in California, we began to manufacture Zeodorizer. Once we got the correct sizing for the infill, we figured out a way to greatly reduce the dust.
Why our process produces a product with less fines:
Our mining plant is equipped with seven speciality screens. We sift our Zeodorizer through each screen, so our product is screened seven times! This allows for more fines/dust to shake out of our materials. Having control of the mines allows us to continually work to improve the products to meet our customers’ needs.
Zeodorizer is not just a brand. We are the developers, producers, and distributors of Zeodorizer. We continue to invest and perfect our product through machinery upgrades and screen changes, giving us an edge over our competitors.